New stuff added to the site!
We did it! We found the unauthorized video version of Stan’s Song Middle Aged Redneck Blues. Apparently an outtake of the song was recorded as Middle Aged White Boy Blues. A video was made for this version by Director Thom Dickson, but was never released. Dickson, of course has been responsible for much of the graphic design for Stan’s album’s. Maybe the most interesting thing about this video is the fact that Stan starts speaking, with what seems to be a distinctly northern accent! We’re not sure what this means, maybe we’ll never know! Is Stan foolin’ us? Check it out on the video page, or click the link above.
A podcast featuring the story and music of Stan aired late last year. Please check it out on our media page!
T-shirts will be coming to the store soon. We’ll let you know when they’re ready!
Did you know that Stan Dickie is on Twitter? He’s so elusive, it’s hard to believe, but here are a few of our favorites!
Stan Dickie @StanDickie
Howdy all. I finally got one of them there websites. Check it out. There’s a couple of songs on there ya can listen to.
22 Jan Stan Dickie @StanDickie
This mornin’ when I told my wife it was lunchtime, she thought I had made lunch for HER! ‘Course I set ‘er straight and she boiled some dogs
22 Jan Stan Dickie @StanDickie
Hmmm.. steak tonight? Or chicken FRIED steak! Beer or Jack? There’s always questions that gotta be answered.
21 Jan Stan Dickie @StanDickie
I was listening to my old song “I Found Jesus (Under a Truck)” – the only way to be bornded again!
19 Jan Stan Dickie @StanDickie
I need to sell some records to buy a new truck! #mendrivetrucks